Learn more about HydraFacial™ →

What is HydraFacial™?

The HydraFacial™ is a deep-cleansing and exfoliating facial treatment and has been hailed as a big advancement on the traditional microdermabrasion.
Here are some of the most frequently asked HydraFacial questions from prospective patients.
If you’d like any more information, call 0176 72538866, write me on Instagram or get in touch through the contact form on the website.

What is the Hydrafacial™?
HydraFacial™ is the only hydradermabrasion procedure that combines cleansing, exfoliation, extraction, hydration and antioxidant protection simultaneously, resulting in clearer, more beautiful skin with no discomfort or downtime. The treatment is soothing, moisturizing, non-invasive and non-irritating.

Whats the difference between Hydrafacial™ and microdermabrasion?
The Hydrafacial™ is evolved from the microdermabrasion which is a non-surgical process of removing the face’s outer layer of dead or damaged skin using a stream of microcrystals. However, the primary difference between microdermabrasion is that with the Hydrafacial™ there are no crystals involved, instead it uses a specially shaped spiral tip which exfoliates and removes impurities along with applying various serums that cleanse, hydrate and provide antioxidant infusion during the treatment process. This is therefore less harsh than the microdermabrasion yet even more efficient. This ability to moisturize the skin differentiates the HydraFacial from other forms of skin rejuvenating and microdermabrasion procedures. The treatment is soothing, refreshing, non-irritating and immediately effective.

How does it work?
The tip of the Hydrafacial™ device is passed over the surface of the skin in smooth, stroking movements, whilst the serums and peel solutions are simultaneously directed onto it and then vacuumed away, along with loosened dead skin cells and other debris. All the waste is retained in a separate closed container to avoid any risk of contamination. A new treatment tip is always used per patient.

What does the Hydrafacial™ achieve?
The HydraFacial™ treatment removes dead skin cells and extracts impurities within the skin, while simultaneously bathing the new skin with cleansing, hydrating and moisturizing serums. Hydrafacial™ effectively and safely improves skin quality by increasing its thickness, repairing the dermal matrix and delivering beneficial antioxidants. Clinical improvements include better facial tone and texture, less skin color patchiness and fewer fine lines. The procedure is ideally suited for those desiring non-invasive facial rejuvenation with minimal recovery.

How many treatments are needed to see results?
You are likely to see an immediate improvement in your skin after just one treatment. Specific skin concerns (for example acne, or pigmentation) are likely to require several treatments for full benefit. For optimum results in the medium to long term, regular sessions every four to six weeks are recommended. Consistent treatments are highly recommended in order to maintain the visible results and keep that healthy glow.

Does Hydrafacial™ hurt and what is the recovery like?
The treatment is usually painless and doesn’t irritate the skin greatly. The treatment is often described as a feeling like ‘a cool paintbrush moving over the face’. All patients will experience some slight tightness and redness afterwards, which may last for a couple of hours following treatment. On rare occasions, redness may continue for a day or so and sensitive skin around the eyes can sometimes become swollen. If this does occur, cold compresses will help to sooth the skin. The risk of any scarring is exceedingly rare with this procedure.

Am I suitable for Hydrafacial™ treatment?
Even the most sensitive skin usually tolerates the HydraFacial™ treatment. It is designed for all skin types including thinning, aging, dry or oily skin as well as darker skins types.

Treatment is not appropriate for those who:
- have taken Isotretinoin (Accutane) within the last six months
- have active eczema, open wounds, or fresh scars on the area
- have an allergy to aspirin, prawns or honey
- have autoimmune disorders
- are pregnant, or are breastfeeding
- have had cold sores in the previous month
- have undergone cosmetic injections in the preceding week
- have had other procedures to the area recently, such as laser, chemical peels, or waxing
- have a lymphatic disorder

In addition, it is necessary for all patients to avoid Retinol or Retin-A products two days before and after the treatment.

What should I do after the treatment?
You can return to your normal activities straight away after the treatment is completed. Most patients find they prefer to keep the skin free of make up afterwards, however, they are free to apply makeup if desired. Post treatment you should avoid excessive sun exposure as well as the use of artificial tanning beds for 72 hours and heat like hot showers, sauna, and intense cardio for 24 hours after treatment.

Hydrafacial MD


The Deluxe Hydrafacial includes deep cleansing, exfoliating & extracting impurities from the skin while simultaneously infusing nourishing ingredients to hydrate the skin & LED Light Therapy to further reduce visible signs of aging.

The Ultimate Hydrafacial Experience!
Hydrafacial Platinum incorporates 3 additional steps. Starting with lymphatic drainage, then the Signature Hydrafacial plus powerful Peptide Booster, Blue, Yellow and/or Red LED Light Therapy and a facial massage. It is my most advanced treatment - ideal for inflamed, pigmented, aging or especially dull skin.


Cleanse | Needling | After Care | Sunscreen



SkinPen® Microneedling
Learn more about Microneedling →

What is Microneedling?

Here are some of the most frequently asked Microneedling questions from prospective patients.
If you’d like any more information, call 0176 72538866, write me on Instagram or get in touch through the contact form on the website.

How does Microneedling work?
The tip of the pen holds a series of tiny surgical steel needles which pierce the skin and create micro injuries, which aren’t visible to the naked eye. These small punctures encourage tissue regeneration, which gradually improves the appearance of the skin. This tissue regeneration process is referred to as collagen induction therapy (CIT). Therefore, stimulating the body’s natural healing process – which produces collagen and elastin to produce smoother, plumper radiant skin. The depth is based on each patient’s specific skin condition. The needle cartridge is disposable, and the SkinPen® itself is designed to minimize the risk of contamination.

What are the benefits of Microneedling?
Microneedling triggers the skin’s natural healing response, resulting in healthy, glowing skin. It addresses and treats fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, hyperpigmentation, stretch marks, and skin texture. The treatment is minimally invasive with little downtime and it’s a quick and simple procedure. Also, any part of the body can be treated, though I commonly treat the face, neck and chest.

Will Microneedling work for me?
Microneedling is effective for both men and women of various ages with skin tones ranging from light to tanned.

Who should not do Microneedling?
Patients who have active skin cancer in the area they want to treat should avoid SkinPen® sessions. Those with irritated skin, open wounds, bleeding disorders and allergies to stainless steel also won’t be able to receive treatment. Lastly, patients taking medications that contain isotretinoin and women who are pregnant or nursing, won’t be approved for this treatment.

How much downtime will I have with Microneedling?
This is dependent on the patient – the recovery process is slightly different for everyone directly after each procedure. Most patients are able to resume their usual activities the next day. However, this excludes any activities that would produce excess sweat and irritate the skin following your Microneedling session.

How do I take care of my skin following the treatment?
I recommend that you do not work out the day of and day after treatment, please don’t apply make-up or active ingredients for 2 days. Stay away from extreme sun exposure for 7-10 days and use 50 SPF.

How long does it take to see results with Microneedling?
Most patients will require 3-6 treatments and it can take anywhere from three to six months to see results after treatment. This is mainly because the skin needs time to heal and rejuvenate as the wound healing process takes effect.

Classic Facials


Hey there, first time at Powder Room? -Welcome!

You don't know what your skin needs right now? -Don't worry I will guide you through!

First of all, I really look forward to getting to know you and your skin needs in your FIRST TREATMENT session at Powder Room. Your session will include a skin evaluation, skincare recommendations (if needed) and obviously a treatment that works best for you. I am ready to work with you in detail about any of your issues and needs and you can get curious and ask me all the skin-related questions!

I will customize a facial catered to your needs only, upfront and crystal-clear, with no added surprise. It could either be a deep cleanse for velvety smooth skin, a rejuvenating facial for city-dwellers to reset your skin from everyday urban stress & pollutants or a skin upgrade to brighter, more radiant skin, a juicy glow and more relaxed facial features.

75 min 129€


Your skin type rarely changes, but your skin condition varies from time to time. Factors like daily habits, hormonal changes, environmental pollution, stress, or travelling may affect your skin condition. With our busy lifestyle and fast changing environment, it’s rarely effective to stick to only one type of treatment so I strongly believe that personalized facial is the best way to go.

At Powder Room, I will look at your skin first and choosing methods and products to target your individual skin issues. The treatment can include an additional personalized element using a bespoke blended chemical peel, steam, nano needling, LED therapy light, gua sha massage and/or lymphatic drainage massage. The BESPOKE FACIAL will give your skin what it needs today and also help you achieve desirable results in the long run. It is suitable for all skin types and tones and for the face only. Additional areas such as the neck may also be treated, depending on your individual skin issues.

60 min 109€


Lash cleanse, lift and lamination
45 min 69€

+ TINT 79€

10 min 20€

25 min 30€

10 min 20€

10 min 20€

40 min 69€

+ TINT 79€

Book your appointment today!




The HydraFacial is a medical grade skin resurfacing treatment suitable for all skin types. It combines a deep clean and exfoliation, extractions and a hydrating, antioxidant rejuvenation for instantly brighter, cleaner and clearer skin. Promoting long-term skin health benefits, the HydraFacial effectively and painlessly removes blackheads and whiteheads to improve acne-prone, oily or congested skins. It also removes dead surface cells and provides intense hydration for ageing, dull or dehydrated skins.


Using a patented spiral tip, the HydraFacial simultaneously exfoliates, clears blocked pores and infuses nourishing serums with a unique suction technique for maximum penetration. It is an all in one medi-clean treatment, making it quick and efficient, completed within half an hour.


· Instantly clearer, cleaner, more hydrated skin.· Clearing out congestion and blackheads.· Achieving fresher, brighter skin ahead of a special event or after a holiday.


· Offers instant and noticeable results with no downtime or discomfort.· Exfoliates dead skin cells & extracts impurities while simultaneously restoring skin hydration, leaving skin more supple & vibrant.· Uses three different skin serums targeted to your individual concerns for the ultimate in hydration and skin rejuvenation.· Unclogs pores and creates brighter, cleaner and clearer skin.


Some clients may experience redness from the suction during the treatment but this will subside within a few hours.


There are no special requirements for the HydraFacial. You can apply makeup, exercise and bathe as usual after your treatment. Unfortunately, HydraFacial is not suitable if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or have known shellfish allergies. We always recommend the use of sunscreen to prevent sun damage to the skin. Sunscreen with SPF 30 or above should be used daily. If you are under the sun for prolonged periods of time, sunscreen needs to be reapplied at least once every two hours.


 Meet Daphne!